Springfield Mil-Spec Reviews

Springfield Mil-Spec Reviews

Springfield Mil-Spec Review Small Arms Reviews

Springfield Mil-Spec

Springfield Mil-Spec Review Small Arms Reviews

September 13, 2017 by smallarmsreview.com

An old axiom is “Keep it Simple, Stupid.” ‘KISS’ works for me although I admit it took some time to sink in. At least I am not alone in reaching this maturity level after considerable time and expense. I began carrying a stock 1911 some forty years ago and after flirtations with various grades of custom handguns and factory high end products, I have come full circuit and now carry either Series 70 or Mil-Spec handguns on a daily basis. Since each is utterly reliable and will cut one ragged hole in the target at 7 yards I think I am on the right track.

Springfield Mil-Spec Review At Police Mag

Springfield Mil-Spec

Springfield Mil-Spec Review At Police Mag

September 13, 2017 by policemag.com

Simple is usually best. From uniforms to guns, it's usually the side with the simplest stuff that wins the fight. While we've covered $2,000 1911s before, sometimes you simply don't need-or want-that degree of sophistication. There are reasons the revolver makers still sell thousands of fixed-sight .38 Special revolvers. It's because they work, and in many (most?) cases, they're all somebody needs. The same is true for a basic duty (or off-duty) pistol.

Springfield Mil-Spec Review at The 1911 Forum

Springfield Mil-Spec

Springfield Mil-Spec Review at The 1911 Forum

Jully 25, 2018 by 1911forum.com

Well guys, today i finally paid off my Springer 1911. After selling off my Glock-21, Mags, Duty belt, and a few accessories....So without further adieu.....lets have at'er!