My favorite handgun design is the 1911, and my favorite 1911 variant is the Commander. Not necessarily the Colt branded Commander, but 1911 models that copy the Commander size: a full-sized 1911 frame with a barrel length of 4 to 4.5 inches. And the Commander-sized pistol we’re looking at today is the Springfield Armory Champion Operator 1911.
That's a mouthful of a name ...I came across one of these today for $980, It felt like it was put together really well had nightsights and I loved the finish. I compared it to a Colt lightweight government and I really like both of them but the 4'' barrel on the operator is more what I need right now.
I assume this price is high because springfield and colt are always high in my area, on the other hand, I cant find one for sale online to compare prices. Does anyone have experience with this SA LW champion operator and how bad would I be doing buying one at that price??